Friday, September 11, 2009

Margot & Family

Precious little Margot Joy underwent open heart surgery in June. Just before her big day, I got together with her mom Stephanie, her brother Jude and her sister Violet to take some photos for a Father's Day present for her dad. I'm happy to say that all reports are positive. Margot's surgery went very well and that she's now thriving.


Homesteadgirl said...

I NEVER SAW THIS! Thanks for posting these! I'll definitely share on my blog, today...was a bit stumped as to what today's post should be! I cherish these photos...we should arrange a new session, as Margot has grown so much!!

The Knitty Gritty Homestead said...

Wow...just looked at these again and am amazed I survived that time in my life with my sanity intact...look at how tiny Violet was!! Things are so much easier today. Thanks for capturing this very important time in our family's history.

Lana said...

I just saw these for the first time! Was cruising your blog with the new shots of Julie's gang, and then accidentally found this. They have changed so much!
Great shots, Erin. I have to get you to do a session with us someday.